Aug 25, 2015


Holidays are good, but as everything good in life they also tend to end. So for this reason after holidays I still want to talk about traveling.

Normally holidays consist of travelling somewhere even if it’s from work to home. I am not going to talk how Red Cross Youth works during holidays, but will present a pretty new project that is called Roteiro+ and is connected with traveling.
Roteiro+ is a project of Red Cross in partnership with Portuguese National Agency for Erasmus+ Youth in Action projects. The protocol was signed just in April and I am really proud that I can be part of this project.

The main idea of this project is that Red Cross Youth department of Braga travels around Portugal to the other Red Cross departments presenting them the opportunities of the Erasmus+ program.

As it is a new project so not so many sessions have happened, but we already visited Chaves, Porto-Matosinhos, Fafe and Gondomar. Of course in every city we were welcomed more warmly than just with open arms. It is really interesting to see how other Red Cross departments looks like, to find the similarities and differences. One thing is for sure – all Red Cross departments are more than friendly. I cannot even compare any visit with another because they were amazing in their own way.
The presentation is more concentrated on the youth and we explain more in details all the possibilities of Erasmus+. What they can do, where they can go, how everything can be real.

My part in this presentation is just to talk about me. How I found my EVS, how is life in EVS and all other details that might be important of interesting to hear. It sounds really easy and it kind of is, just the fact that I need to do it in Portuguese makes it more interesting.  

The part I love the most about Roteiro+ is the faces of people; how they change from the first sentence of presentation till the last word after everything is over. You can see the sparkles in the eyes and the will to do everything. I feel like I managed to change someone’s life just in one day!

I am sad that I will not be able to attend all the sessions, but I can still feel happy, that I would have participated at least in some. Spread the news, inspire others and make someone realize that EVS is something not only to listen about, but also to live it!


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