Oct 20, 2011

The Red Cross Youth was at the Fair of Parishes

During the last weekend 24-25th of September, “Fair of Parishes” was held at the Avenida Central. The Red Cross Youth was invited by the organization “Braga 2012: the European Capital of Youth”, to disclose the institution, through the development of some activities for kids.

Therefore, on Saturday morning 14 children left for the historic center of Braga, along with the volunteers from the "Colorir of Sabado," with the purpose of participating in the Game of Science prepared by a volunteer of the Red Cross Youth.

Unfortunately, due to some obstacles, the initial plan was changed, however, it did not discourage the children, who enjoyed painting and dancing. There was great excitement and enthusiasm visible on their  faces.

The afternoon was dedicated to the project of Alimentação Saudável  (Healthy Eating), the kids played  the game "Through playing  find out how to eat healthy." Once the board game was  put out, many children enthusiastically joined the volunteers at playing.

The entertaining  game with questions, miming, drawings, proverbs, etc. enabled to clarify some issues and share rules of good eating habits.

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