For those of you who follow the Juventude Cruz Vermelha Braga page on Facebook, you will have hopefully been aware of the weekly pictures being posted for our ‘EQuê?!’ campaign over the course of the last couple of months.
The ‘EQuê?!’ campaign focuses on stereotypes. Preconceived ideas and beliefs we inherit socially, stereotypes can be placed on specific groups of individuals or certain ways of doing things. They are notions that exist and are omnipresent in our day to day life, and can have a strong influence on how we both think and act. Stereotypes have developed over the course of time, whilst new ones continue to develop, becoming part of an individual’s psyche through the influence of family, literature, internet and media, among other mediums.
The ‘EQuê?!’ campaign focuses on stereotypes. Preconceived ideas and beliefs we inherit socially, stereotypes can be placed on specific groups of individuals or certain ways of doing things. They are notions that exist and are omnipresent in our day to day life, and can have a strong influence on how we both think and act. Stereotypes have developed over the course of time, whilst new ones continue to develop, becoming part of an individual’s psyche through the influence of family, literature, internet and media, among other mediums.
Some argue stereotypes are a natural way for us to
categorise, understand, and give meaning to the world around us, though I would
contest how naturally these develop. We may develop these beliefs through
natural assimilation but the agendas of certain people and organisations mean
they impose certain immoral ideas on us that we then take on, either
consciously or subconsciously. A current and highly topical example is the stereotyping
of 1.7 billion Muslims as terrorists and a threat to Western ideals – like
these ideals are superior to all others - by certain individuals and sections
of the media in order to fit their agenda, a ghastly case of ignorance and
racism. Therefore, to say stereotypes are dangerous is an understatement, they
are extremely threatening. Generalisations like this can lead to discrimination
of various degrees and undermine people’s understanding of one another. As a
result, it is a feasible to argue that stereotypes actually hold us back and
that we should do our utmost to counteract them, instead spreading a positive
This is where JCV – Braga’s ‘EQuê?!’ campaign comes in. Most appropriately translated as ‘SoWhat?!’, ‘EQuê?!’ is a campaign looking to challenge common stereotypes that
have developed, dispelling the idea that people can be forced into certain
categories or characterised in particular ways. With all of us at some point or
another in our lives being judged or labelled, we want to show that stereotypes
do not in fact reflect our reality and that there is more to people than simply
meets the eye.
An online photographic project, each week a new image is
shared on the Juventude Cruz Vermelha Braga page on Facebook, where we
encourage everyone to like and share the image so that we can have as
far-reaching an impact as possible. The participants are those who we encounter
regularly in our daily lives and we want to show, that despite seemingly
appearing to fit in to certain categories or groups, that they are unique
people who challenge stereotypes due to their individual characteristics,
qualities and experiences. They remind us, that despite differences, they are
equal to us and each of us is our own individual being with our own identity;
we cannot be shoehorned into categories. At the end of the article I will share
with you the link to the relevant Facebook page as well as including all the
photos that have been published thus far.
The ‘EQuê?!’
campaign is actually really simple in its premise. All it requires is some
willing participants to have their photographs taken, holding a placard
demystifying a common stereotype that if often levelled against them but is
completely erroneous. Then after a little photo editing to include all the
campaign images they are ready to be shared online. Following this it is a case
of getting the word out and working hard to make sure the campaign reaches as
many people as possible. Clearly a lot of this is done through social media but
other efforts, including this blog, can help spread the message. Last week,
Tania and Luis also conducted an interview with RUM, the University of Minho’s radio station in order to help
disseminate the message further.
The link for the corresponding article on RUM’s website can be found here:
The phrase ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’ is very
applicable here. We hope this campaign will show there is more to people than
meets the eye. I believe that this campaign contains a very important message
and each and every one of us can take something from it. You may learn
something new or realise that, for example, you had a preconceived idea about a
particular group, whether intentional or not, and a relevant image discredits
that belief.
Additionally, if you want to be more involved, you could be
one of our participants! Take a look at the photos below and consult the
Facebook page, and if you feel that you dispel a stereotype you can take a
photo demonstrating just that. Just write your message on a white card and make
sure you include the campaign name, ‘EQuê?!’
Then you can email your photo to us at
It really is simple and does not take long and in doing so you will be helping
to disseminate the message that stereotypes are misleading.
So, take the time to understand our motivations and
objectives by having a look at the campaign and help spread our work to create
a Juventude sem Rótulos! (Youth without Labels!)
This is a link to the Facebook page of Juventude Cruz
Vermelha Braga:
You can also go directly to the campaign photos by using
this link:
Here are the campaign photos thus far:
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"I am blind but, I am independent, I work, I walk, I take care of myself - E Quê?!" |
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"I am Muslim. I am not a terrorist. I stand for peace - E Quê?!" |
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"I have Down syndrome and I have a shop! - E Quê?!" |
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"Rasta does not always equal drugs! - E Quê?!" |
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"When I get emotional I cry! - E Quê?!" |
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"I am a woman and I don't need help parking the car" "But I do - E Quê?!" |
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"I am Catholic and I go to mass every Sunday - E Quê" |
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"I am the coach tor for the national futsal team, and I dedicate my free time to children with special educational needs - E Quê?!" |
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"I finished my bachelor's degree at 36 years old - E Quê?!" |
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"I am Muslim and I choose to wear a Hijab." "I am also Muslim and I choose not to wear - E Quê?!" |
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"I was born, I grew up and I lived in a problematic neighbourhood and I am not a delinquent - E Quê?!" |
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"I am a boy and my favourite colour is pink - E Quê?! |
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"I am Roma, I study, I work and I am single! - E Quê?!" |
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"Getting married? I choose not to do- E Quê?!" |
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"I am Roma and I promote the empowering of women - E Quê?!" |